3 ways to collect data through pop-ups – and how to use it in your marketing activities

Jun 20, 2024 | , ,

Laura Bjerre Schwalbe

By Laura Bjerre Schwalbe


Reading Time: 3 minutes

No reason to sugarcoat it.  

E-commerce is facing a lot of challenges right now.  

Chinese giants like TEMU and SHEIN are booming forward while steadily raising ad prices for their competitors.  

And, of course, inflation comes with its own set of challenges for consumers and businesses alike. 

These are things we cannot control.  

But there are things we can control, and those are: 

  • What is happening on our own website  
  • The data we collect 
  • How we use that in our different channels 

To give you a helping hand, data collection and personalization experts Sofie Mølgaard from Sleeknote and Mads Thorsen from Raptor are sharing the 3 best ways to collect more data on your customers - and how to use that data in your marketing activities.  

Would you rather watch and listen instead?  

In this 30-minute video, Mads and Sofie go through all the same tips described here.


1. Multi-step campaigns

Pop-ups are a great way to ask for information about your customer. 

However, it’s important not to overwhelm your visitor by asking for too much information at once: 


“Even though we want to collect a lot of data, we can’t just add more input fields. It’s going to be overwhelming and affect the conversion rate if we ask for too much information. Instead, consider splitting it over multiple campaigns” 

Sofie Mølgaard

Partner Marketing Manager, Sleeknote

See how this online liquor store uses a pop-up to learn about people’s preferences over several different steps. This way, they still learn something about the users who fill out Step 1, even if they don’t fill out Step 2.  



fill out the second step after filling out the first one in a multi-step campaign.
2. Spin to Win

Gamification is becoming more and more popular – and for good reason. Compared to normal pop-ups, Spin to Win has a very high conversion rate averaging 8.67%. After the user spins for a chance to win, the next step asks them to fill in some information (like name and e-mail) to receive their prize.  



3. Quiz

Guide your visitor towards their ideal purchase while learning valuable information about them at the same time. Ask them about their budget, aesthetic preferences, or preferred fit, and show them the recommended products that best fit these criteria.  

It’s not just a one-off – you can use this information in your future e-mail communication or any other marketing channels you use.  


Want to try pop-ups for data collection? Sleeknote is the preferred pop-up builder, where you get access to many different types of pop-ups, forms, and gamification formats – all made with lead generation, data collection, and sales in mind. 

So, you managed to get new subscribers... Now what?

Once you have collected information about your visitor, now’s the time to activate it.

A personalization platform like Raptor collects a lot of different information about your subscribers – even their behavior on your site from before they gave you their e-mail address. Combined, all this information is exactly what you need to create personalized experiences.  

But what are the best ways to use your collected data? Personalization expert Mads Thorsen shares 3 great suggestions.  

1. Personalize your Welcome Flow

Too many businesses use a generic welcome flow that doesn’t utilize what they know about their subscribers.

If your subscriber has shown interest in children’s sneakers, football boots, or running shoes, the recommended products and inspirational content should reflect that.  

Raptor’s E-mail Recommendations help automate this entire process, automatically picking the most relevant suggestions for every e-mail. 



2. Get to know your customer through the Customer Data Platform

During initial data collection, your customer will willingly share information with you – their name, age, e-mail address, etc. But what is equally important is the stuff they
don’t tell you directly.  

Raptor’s Customer Data Platform helps you see their Average Order Value, when they last placed an order, and what their Customer Lifetime Value is – current and future. This allows you to build campaigns focusing on customers with specific preferences who have a high value to your business – and exclude those of low value. 



3. Target specific subscriber segments across channels 

So, how do you target specific segments with relevant content?

With the right insights on your subscribers, you can divide them into smaller segments, not just based on their interests, ages, and gender, but also on their value, their activity level, and price sensitivity. 



“It’s expensive to attract new subscribers. Make sure you make them profitable by focusing on your most valuable customers – without spending resources on the rest” 

Mads Sieron Thorsen

Director of Professional Services, Raptor Services

For example, here’s a cross-channel campaign targeted at women with young children whose behavior suggest that they are price sensitive: 



Key Take-aways


Data is truly the foundation of effective marketing activities. With the right data collection setup and strategic segmentation in place, there’s no limit to the campaigns you can build.  

Here’s a summary of what you’ve learned:  

📌 Multi-step is a great way to collect lots of data – without overwhelming your visitor 

📌 Spin-to-Win is a super-effective data collector with a conversion rate averaging 8.67% 

📌 Quizzes can guide people towards their desired product – while giving you the valuable data you want 

📌 Personalize your Welcome Flow – and all your e-mail flows 

📌 Use a Customer Data Platform to collect more data to further segment your customers

📌 Personalize the full customer experience across all channels 

Let us show you what you can achieve with premium personalization

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A Raptor expert can share more about the product and answer any questions you have.