



Raptor's Customer Data Platform (CDP) integrates with Actito. From the CDP, it is possible to synchronize audiences to Actito.Setup

1. Enter general information in Raptor

In Raptor you will find a template created to assist the integration setup. To create the Actito Activation, go to “Customer Data Platform --> Activation --> Create New Activation --> Actito.  
Type in a Name, optionally include a Description, and select the preferred person identifier - in Actito this will generally be "Email" or "UserID" - then click Next. 

2. Enter Actito information

To establish communication between Actito and the CDP, you need the following information: 

  • API Endpoint
  • Entity
  • Email Address
  • API Key

The first three are fairly easy, but the API Key will need to be retrieved from your Actito-account. We'll take them one at a time...

2.1 API Endpoint

This is the API Server the system will be connected to. As the field itself will also mention, there are four options - the API Test Server (apitest), the North American API Server (api1), and two sepparrate European API Servers: Bruxelles (api) and Paris (api3). You will generally be attached to whichever is closest to you, but if you are uncertain, you can check it within your Actito Account - see 2.4 for more detail.

2.2 Entity

This refers to your Actito License. What you need to enter here is the same thing you put in the 'License' field when logging into your Actito Account.

2.3 Email Address

This is purely for technical purposes - the selected e-mail will receive status updates and the likes from Actito. So, use the E-Mail of whoever is supposed to be managing that, but make sure to double-check it - otherwise, you might wind up not getting notified about some important issue or other...

2.4 API Key

This is the tough one. In order to find your API Key, you will need to log into your Actito Account. Once there, open the Account Menu dropdown in the upper-right corner, and access the License Configuration App from there. Note that this option will only be present if you have Admin authority!

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🔍 Note: The Account Menu can also provide useful information if you were uncertain about some of the previous points. The 'License:' line matches what is required in the Entity field, while the 'Environment:' line shows which API Server you're connected to. ENV-0 = Bruxelles, ENV-1 = USA and ENV-3 = Paris.


Within the License Configuration Catalog, select API Users to get a list of available users. Select the one you wish to use, then click the 'View API Key' button above to open the relevant view. Just hit the 'Copy' button next to the 'My API Key' field, and paste it into the relevant line in the CDP Activations interface.


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If you do not have an API User to use, or need to make a different one for this purpose, you'll need to first go through the 'Create API User' proccess - for that, see Actito's own Documentation.

3. Scheduling

The next step is Scheduling. Here, you can select the interval at which the Activation will run, and the start-time. If you do not check the 'Start running from' box and select a time there, it will simply run as soon as you finish creating the Activation.

4. Add Audiences

Here, you can select which Audience(s) you wish to link to your Actito-account. Simply check the box next to the desired Audiences in the pop-up and hit 'Apply'. Finally, hit Save to finalize the Activation and insert it into the CDP system. However, you're not quite done yet!

5. Set up Targeting in Actito

In order to fully utilize the link between the Raptor CDP and Actito, you will need to establish a File Reference within Actito's systems. In order to expedite this, simply follow this step-by-step guide:

  1. Within Actito, select the Portal-view from the left-bar menu, and select Profiles within it.
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  2. In this menu, select Manage Saved Targetings.
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  3. This will open a list of your Targetings. Click on Create a Targeting and give it a name matching the Audience you selected in the final step of creating the Activation. Select the relevant Profile Database from the drop-down menu, and optionally supply a Description before hitting Create.
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  4. In the Targeting Interface that now opens, start by toggling on Expert Mode using the radio-button near the top, and removing the default 'Profile' module by clicking on the X in the upper-right corner of it.
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  5. Open the 'Add a module' drop-down menu, and select File.
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  6. The resulting module offers you a few import-options. Select the Use reference button on the right to open a new menu.
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  7. In this menu, the Raptor CDP should appear as an option, assuming the earlier Activation was created successfully. Below it, select Audiences to open a list of Audiences, then find and select the one you picked out earlier. This will activate a button above labeled Use the file reference - click it.
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  8. Back in the File Module, open the Attribute used to select profiles drop-down, and pick the same option that you did right back at the start, when you selected a Person Identifier for your Activation. As mention then, this will likely be Email or UserID, which in this context translates as 'emailAddress' and 'profileId'.
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  9. At this stage, you can hit the Calculate button to see how many members of your selected Audience matches the chosen Profile - if it winds up as 0 or otherwise seems strange, it may suggest that you've done something wrong somewhere in the process. Otherwise, simply hit Save.
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  10. With that, you're done - you've now got an automatically-updating Target set up within Actito, and can reap the full benefits of the Raptor-Actito integration!

🔍 Note: If you delete the linked Audience from Raptor's systems, it will not be sent on the next sync from Actito.