

It is possible to filter out specific products, product categories or brands from the recommendation output. This could for example be seasonal products like the Christmas collection or products for Halloween.  


Raptor has two ways to filter out products:    
1. Through your own CMS, where you filter out the products from the output received by us.  
2. Or by using our O-data (Open Data Protocol) filter, where we filter the output before returning it.   


For using O-data filters, you need to provide us with a Product Feed, and you need to activate “full info” in the Control Panel to get all information available about the products in the output.  


Here is a table with the various filtering codes you can use:  

O Data filters
Purpose: 'Only keep products that do do/is not...' Template Example
… have a certain ProductID.  

[Identifier] ne '{ProductId}' 

[ProductId] ne '649827' and [ProductId] ne '917263' and [ProductId] ne '154263' 

… on sale.  

[OnSalePrice] eq null 

 [OnSalePrice] eq null 
... placed in a certain category.  [{Identifier}] ne '{CategoryName}'  [CustomField3] ne 'Decorations' and [CustomField3] ne 'Christmas' 
… contain specific ”text” in the product name.   not substringof ('{tekst}',[{Identifier}])   not substringof ('santa',[ProductUrl]) 
… has a Field that is ”true”.   [{Identifier}] eq 'False'  [CustomField4] eq 'False' 
… has a Field that is ”false”.  

[{Identifier}] eq 'True' 

[Expensive] eq 'True' 

… a specific brand/-s.  

 [BrandName] ne '{BrandName}' and [BrandName] ne '{BrandName}'   [BrandName] ne 'Nike' and [BrandName] ne 'Adidas' 


Ne stands for “not equal”, which means we exclude products, categories or brands from the output. 

Eq stands for “equal”, which means we only include specific products, categories or brands. 

You type the code into the ODataFilter box in the module you want to exclude the specific products, brand, product category etc. Here is an example, where products containing “mundbind/Face mask” is excluded from the recommendations:  


The Odata filter is also often used as a query parameter in the API call:


For clarification: 

The difference between Serendipity and O-data filtering is, with the Odata filter you can remove products totally. With the serendipity we simply just give specific products a lower priority, meaning that it will not be excluded totally, and therefore, still can be found among the recommendations.