Introduction to Operational Insights

Operational Insights is a tool for optimizing the performance of Raptor's services by detecting, diagnosing and managing errors.

Operational Insights is a monitoring tool that allows you to pinpoint and solve performance issues within Raptor's services. Errors discovered in our source systems are sent to the dashboard in real-time, allowing you and your team to triage and prioritize each error.

Error overview

The landing page provides an overview of open and closed errors. It is divided into sections that can be individually opened or collapsed, for an easier overview.

All open errors contain the following fields:

  • Error title: a short description that comes from the relevant Source System.
  • Status: the current status of the error.
  • First occurtence: the first occurrence of the error.
  • Last occurrence: the most recent occurrence of the error.
  • Last action: the time and date of the last action that is performed on the error.
  • Actions: the actions that can be performed on the error. The actions differ, depending on the error status.

And on the closed errors contain the following fields:

  • Error title: a short description that comes from the relevant Source System.
  • Status: the current status of the error.
  • Source System: the part of Raptor's infrastructure that the error originated in
  • Occurred: the first occurrence of the error.
  • Closed: the time and date of the closing of the error.
  • Closed By: the person who closed the error.
  • Actions: the actions that can be performed on the error. The actions differ depending on how the error was closed, but largely boil down to reopening it.

Error statuses

 OI New Status


Error actions

In Progress: Acknowledge an error to let others know that you are aware of and responding to the error.

Forward: Forward an error to pass forward information to a contact person and/or Raptor's support team.

Snooze: Snooze to hide the error and it’s notifications. The error will appear again when the set snooze time is expired.

Ignore: Ignore an error to hide it indefinitely. Identical new errors will automatically be ignored and can only be opened again manually.

Stop snooze: Stop snooze to stop the error from snoozing.

Resolve: Resolve the error when it is fixed.

Open: Open a closed error to move it to the ‘Open errors’ tab.



The forward function allows you to forward an error to a contact person or to Raptor support. The contact person(s) will receive an e-mail with all error information.

How to forward an error:

Step 1: Select a contact person

  1. Open the forward window by selecting the forward action on the desired error.
  2. Add the name and e-mail address of your contact person or select a contact person that is saved from a previous forwarded error.
  3. Check the checkbox if you wish to save a new contact person.

Step 2: Add a Raptor contact

  1. Select your Raptor support contact person, or Raptor’s support e-mail if you wish to share the error with us. This step is optional.

Step 3: Add message

  1. Add an extra message for the receiver(s).


Error information

Click on the error to see extra error information.

The first tab called ’Insights’ displays more details about the error. In here you can see the errors title, description, status, error code, area, first occurrence, last occurrence and total occurrences.

In the second tab called ’action log’ you will find all previous actions that have been performed on an error. Each box displays the action, the current error status, the occurrence and the person who performed it.



When clicking the button ’Notifications’ in the top right corner, you can set your notification preferences. You will be given a list of every individual who has access to the Operational Insights section - with yourself at the top of the list - and by clicking on the desired person, you'll access a set of checkboxes. 

In the list, you can choose to send a New Error Notification and/or Daily Summary to the selected person, and if you have any Sister Accounts, those will be shown as well - allowing you to conveniently set up all of them at once. By clicking the headlines, "Sister accounts" or "Account No." you can sort the list of sister accounts either alphabetically or by number.

The Daily Summary contains a list of all open errors at that time, while the New Error Notification sends a mail every time a novel issue is detected.

Make sure to save any changes you make in the pop-up window before closing it.

Keep in mind that setting access-rights/permissions and creating new users is done in the Trust Center.