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  3. E-mail Trigger Documentaiton

Abandoned Favorites Trigger

This article will help you understand:

  • What an Abandoned Favorites Trigger is 
  • Why you should use the Abandoned Favorites Trigger 
  • Different setups for implementing the Raptor Abandoned Favorites Trigger 
  • How to use/customize all the different settings and filters, so it fits your solution  
  • How to combine the Abandoned Favorites Trigger with product recommendations

🔍 Note: before you get started, it's essential to understand that Raptor isn't an e-mail marketing system, meaning it doesn't send e-mails directly. Instead, Raptor integrates with your chosen e-mail marketing provider, allowing you to utilize all of Raptor's functionalities alongside with the features in your e-mail marketing system.

See all e-mail marketing systems Raptor works with here:  Raptor integrations

What is an Abandoned Favorites Trigger?

When it comes to selling products online, every click on the website counts, and the Raptor engine uses all meaningful engagement on your website, to optimize the customer journey. The favorite list allows customers to save their favorite products for later purchase, share their desires with loved ones, and track price changes. 
Some sites refer to this favorites list as a "wish list". In the Raptor Control Panel we use the favorites list as a term for wish list.

Raptor utilizes the tracking of products added to the favorites list to activate the Abandoned Favorites Trigger when a user leaves your site without completing an order for a product they added to their favorites list. The user doesn't need to have filled out the checkout form for the Raptor Abandoned Favorites Trigger to be executed, as the user is typically already known by Raptor's tracking script if they have logged in, signed up for newsletters, clicked on newsletters, or made purchases before the add to favorite event. 

An Abandoned Favorites Trigger scenario could look like this:



Redirect to products or the favorite list? 


There are two methods for creating an Abandoned Favorites e-mail with Raptor. 

1. Redirect to favorite page: The ideal solution for the Abandoned Favorites Trigger is to redirect the user directly to the favorites list on the website. This requires storing all favorite list ID's in your database, each with a unique ID. This ID, referred to as FavoriteListID's in Raptor, should be sent with all favorite events. This enables Raptor to combine the FavoriteListID's with the list of products in the users favorite list, which is necessary for restoring the link to the favorite list.  Your webshop also needs a generic URL such as:  https://www.mywebshop.com/favoritelistid  The combination of the generic URL combined with the FavoriteListID's, will redirect the client to the basket. 


💡 Example: 

Generic url: https://www.mywebshop.com/favoritelistid=  
FavoritelistId: 45046e39-d048-4841-b3dd-f1629aaab3e9 


The user will be rediceted to: https://www.mywebshop.com/favoritelistid=45046e39-d048-4841-b3dd-f1629aaab3e9   

2. Redirect to products: If you're unable to recreate the favorite list using the FavoriteListID's and a generic URL, you can also set up an Abandoned favorites Trigger where users are redirected directly to the product page.



Trigger settings


The Abandoned Basket Trigger can be configured in the following manner:


1. Runtime

The Trigger setup exists of two different runtime settings:
- Automated: the Trigger runs every hour.
- Scheduled: the Trigger will run at a specific time. The schedule is custom, and can be customized to whenever you want the Trigger to fire. 


💡 Example: A classic way to set up your Abandoned Favorites Trigger is by firing it immediately after the user leaves the site. Another way to catch the user's attention is by using Raptor's schedule feature, where the Trigger fires at a specific time. For instance, it could be one hour before the warehouse closes with a message like: 'Order before 4:00 PM and get your items shipped today'. This case is commonly used in B2B companies where being too pushy with an Abandoned Favorites Trigger is not desired, but the e-mail is intended more as a service.


2. Waiting time

Define the delay time that should pass before the user receives the Trigger. A classic way to set up your Abandoned Favorites Trigger is by firing the trigger immediately after the user leaves the site. It is recommended that the Trigger fires shortly after the user has left the site to ensure conversion. We recommend that the Trigger fires between 1-2 hours after the favorite list is abandoned. 


🔍 Note: Users tend to use either the basket or the favorites list to save products for later. This is why the Abandoned Favorite Trigger is a good addition to your Abandoned Basket setup, ensuring that you utilize all touchpoints where the user shows intent without buying. 

💡 Example: The Trigger should fire 2 hours after the user the favorite list is abandoned.


3. Limit

Choose how many Triggers the users receive within a specific period. To avoid spamming the user, a limit can be set. Raptor recommends a limit where the user can receive a maximum of one Trigger per 24 hours. The limit can be combined with other Triggers such as Category Interest, Product Interest and Price Drop Product Interest.


💡 Example: The user may receive a max. one e-mail within 24 hours. 



This is what the Trigger with the above mentioned settings will look like in the e-commerce funnel. Remember that all these settings are customizable (When the Trigger that runs every hour catches an Abandoned Basket event, an e-mail will be send after one hour. After this, the limit period will not send any other Abandoned Basket e-mails for 24 hours):

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Organizing your Triggers


1. Execution order: When you've activated multiple Triggers, you can set a priority to determine the order of them. The Trigger with the lowest index set in the execution order will activate first. For this to work, the Triggers set with execution order must activate simultaneously.


💡 Example: If you've set up a Product Interest, Category Interest and an Abandoned Favorites Trigger, you need to set all Triggers with the same latency to utilize execution order functionality.


2. Trigger grouping: Using the limit, you can ensure that the user receives only a specific number of Triggers within a certain period. With "Trigger group," you can choose which Triggers should disqualify each other. In some cases, you may want a Trigger to always activate, regardless of what the user has received previously. For example, a Price-drop Trigger that only activates when there is sale on your website.


👀 Usecase: if you have a setup with an Abandoned Basket and Abandoned Favorite Trigger, you do not want to send two emails if a user used both the basket and favorite list during a session. In this case, you want to group your triggers and prioritize them based on conversion rate. 


Priority settings: 

Abandoned Basket: 1 

Abandoned Favorites: 2 

This setup ensures that users who abandon either a basket or a favorites list will receive a Trigger. In cases where both Triggers are activated for a single user, only the Abandoned basket will fire. 



Trigger filters


If certain products need to be excluded from Trigger communications, filters can be set up in Raptor's Data Manager. Filters can be created based on all product information's in your Product Catalog.


  • Do not include items priced below €10,-.
  • Avoid products with a minimal contribution margin.
  • Exclude products from a specific category
  • Create a feed so that triggers are exclusively fired for products from a specific category

Although filtering is possible, we do not recommend using this functionality, as one often wants to send precisely the products that are in the basket.


Data Enrichment


Raptor's Trigger events are enriched with data that can be used to provide a more personalized experience in your e-mail marketing tool.

Raptor Product Interest Triggers always include:

Data Description
The product the user has visited
The name of a product fetched from the product feed
The time the Trigger was fired
The name of the event fired to the last-mile system
E-mail or ID used in the e-mail marketing system
The products category
The products brand


If additional data from your Product Catalog is desired to be included in the Trigger, this can easily be done, for example:

• RetailPrice
• Discount
• OriginalPrice
• OnsalePrice 
• ProductCategory
• ProductDescription
• BrandName
• Stockstatus
• Producturl
• Imageurl


Also custom fields can be populated with any relevant information you wish to include to enhance the trigger data:

• Customfield1
• Customfield2
• Customfield3
• Customfield4
• Customfield5


Technical requirements


The technical requirements are categorized into two sets to correspond with the two types of setups available: 'Abandoned favorites - redirect to favorite list' and 'Abandoned favorites - redirect to products'. 


1. Abandoned favorites redirect to favorite list:   

- Event type (P1): Favorite. 
- Favoritelistcontent (P14): A comma-separated list of all ProductId's in the favorite list, must be fired at every favorite event, when a product is added or removed from the favorite list. 
- favoritelistId (P14): The unique ID of a favorite list.
- RUID (Email Marketing ID): E-mail or other External identifiers for the e-mail marketing system must be set under RUID (Email Marketing ID). Read more about user tracking here. 

Product Catalog:

The Product Catalog be set up with the following parameters at a minimum:
• ProductNumber
• ProductUrl
• ImageUrl
Read more about the Product Catalog setup in the Product Catalog documentation Raptor’s Help Center.

🔍 Note: Ensure that the ProductId send in FavoritelistContent in the tracking matches the ProductNumber in the Product Catalog.

Read more about the Product Catalog setup in the Product Catalog documentation Raptor’s Help Center. 

Generic URL:
Your webshop needs a generic URL such as: https://www.mywebshop.com/basketid. The combination of the generic URL combined with the basketId, will redirect the client to the basket.


💡 Example: 

Generic URL: https://www.mywebshop.com/basketid=
BasketId: 45056e39-d048-4841-b3dd-f1629aaaab3e9


The user will be redirected to: https://www.mywebshop.com/basketid=4.5056E43

2. Abandoned favorites redirect to favorite list:   

The following parameters must be sent in the tracking:
- Event type (p1): favorite.
- favoritelistId (p14): A comma-separated list of all ProductId's in the favorite list, must be fired at every favorite event, when a product is added or removed from the favorite list. 
- RUID (Email Marketing ID): E-mail or other External identifiers for the e-mail marketing system must be set under RUID (Email Marketing ID). Read more about user tracking here. 

 The Product Catalog: be set up with the following parameters at a minimum:
• ProductNumber
• ProductUrl
• ImageUrl
Read more about the Product Catalog setup in the Product Catalog documentation Raptor’s Help Center.


🔍 Note: Ensure that the ProductId send in FavoritelistContent in the tracking matches the ProductNumber in the feed. 


Combine the Trigger with e-mail personalization modules


Combination 1

Abandoned Favorites x Personal recommendations (The personal shopping assistant)

Let's make shopping feel like it's tailored just for the user. With our personalized recommendations, we're all about enhancing the shopping experience. If the user already got some goodies on the favorite list, why not present some other items that complement their choices perfectly? It's like having your own personal shopper, suggesting items that go hand in hand with what you already love. So go ahead, explore our cross-sell recommendations, and discover even more treasures to add to your basket. Look for the module 'The personal shopping assistant (additional sales)' in Raptors Control Panel.

E-mail example:


Combination 2

Abandoned Favorites x Customized Recommendations

Gain control of your recommendations by utilizing the Merchandising items strategy. This strategy is based on items selected by you in the Merchandising tool and then sorted by the users' personal preferences or general popularity. Build a query of products such as "new arrivals," "products on sale," or accessory products that you wish to push to all users who receive an Abandoned Basket e-mail. 

The module maintains itself, automatically removing products that go out of stock or no longer meet your query. Additionally, all selected products are sorted according to each individual's preferences. Look for the module 'Items of Customized Feeds sorted by personal preferences and popularity'. 

🔍 Note: In order to use the Merchandising module, access to Merchandising is required.

E-mail example:
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Abandoned Favorites reminder


Ever wondered why some online stores send you reminders when you leave items in your shopping cart without completing the purchase? It's not just a random act of kindness—it's a smart business strategy. These reminders, known as Abandoned Basket Reminders, are like gentle taps on the shoulder, reminding you about those items you were interested in. 
You can do exactly the same with your favorite list!  

Not only does this help you recover potentially lost sales, but it also shows your customers that you care about their shopping experience. It's a win-win situation! So, if you haven't already set up Abandoned Favorites reminders for your online store, now's the time to do it. You'll be amazed at the impact it can have on your sales and customer satisfaction levels. 

When you have your first Abandoned Favorites set up, it's easy to set up an Abandoned Favorites reminder. The requirements for the triggers are the same, you only have to change the latency, and then you are good to go.