


The Salesforce Integration option, found in the Activations-section of the CDP, serves as a more generalized alternative to the Salesforce Journeys Integration. If you wish to connect your CDP to your Salesforce account for something other than setting up a Salesforce Journey, use this option.


General Information


After selecting the Salesforce option from the Create new activation interface, you will need to fill in Name, an optional Description, and the selection of a suitable Person Identifier from the drop-down menu. Make sure the identifier you choose matches the data you intend to link to in Salesforce.


Salesforce Information


In this section, there are five fields that need to be correctly filled in in order to link your Raptor-account with your Salesforce-account. The first three – Client ID, Client Secret and SubDomain – are identical to those used in the Salesforce Journeys integration. Please refer to that file for instructions on how to find and access these values.


The last two fields are ExternalKey (Audience Data Extension) and ExternalKey (Calculated Attributes Data Extension) – needed for integrating with the Audience Builder and Calculated Attributes segment of the CDP, respectively. These are found – or rather, created – within the Salesforce interface itself.


In Salesforce, you want to select the ‘Email’ menu, then go to the Subscribers-tab, and open the Data Extensions selection, as shown.


Activations Salesforce 1


Two Data Extensions will need to be created here. The full details of how to create Data Extensions in Salesforce is beyond the scope of this file, but it is important that each has the right set of Fields set, differing for each of the two required Extensions, and that both have Used For Sending set to ‘Yes’. The shown External Key is then plugged into the appropriate field of the Activation.


The Audience Data Extension should look something like this:

Activations Salesforce 2


The Calculated Attributes Data Extension should look something like this:

Activations Salesforce 3


Add audiences & calculated attributes


The final stage of the Activation is to link it to the one or more Audiences and/or Calculated Attributes from your CDP. Select audiences and Select calculated attributes will both give you a list of all relevant values, with a search-field for narrowing the scope if needed. Check as many boxes as desired in both, then select Apply. Only one Audience or Calculated Attribute is technically needed in order to establish the Activation, but you’ll generally want more than that. Finally, select Save to put your new integration into production. Finalizing it will take around five minutes, and if any issues should surface, every part of the Integration can be subsequently edited.


🔍Note: Even if you delete the linked Audience from Raptor's systems, it will remain unaffected within Salesforce.